January 2, 2023



A regular meeting of the York Haven Borough Council was called to order January 2nd, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance and Roll call followed. Present were Mayor Christine Ebersole, President Bryan Householder, Council members: Joell Zortman, Robin Isaacson, Tim O’Sheehan, Jamie Wolf, Mindy Yoder via telecommunications, CGA Attorney Evan Gabel. C.S. Davison Engineer Derek Rinaldo & councilmember Chad Billet were absent.


Police Report:

-No officer was present.


A motion was made by Jamie Wolf to amend the agenda, to include discussion under new business, consideration for sec/treas position, adopting a new citizens complaint form, and discussion on who will help train the newly appointed sec/treas. It was second by Robin Isaacson and approved by voice vote.


Engineer’s Report: N/A


Solicitor’s Report:

1.     No refuse report to share at this time. Did receive one large settlement this month.


Ordinance Officer:  Tim O’Sheehan stated:

1.     Nothing at this time.



1.     Ray Benidict- appeared to make his payment for previous trash bill to the borough for $100.


Minutes:  A motion was made by Jamie Wolf to approve the Minutes with the addition on the Minutes for December that a motion was made by Robin Isaacson to re-imburse Tim for the building lights, it was second by Joell Zortman and passed by voice vote. This motion was second by Tim O’Sheehan and passed by voice vote.


Treasurer’s Report: N/A


Mayor’s Report:  Chris Ebersole stated:

1.     Presented application for Wendy from Manchester Borough for the position of Sec/Treas. Wendy was not available to attend the meeting due to holiday. The application was reviewed, and a brief discussion followed.

2.     Feels the position should be re-posted on indeed.com


Borough Building:  N/A




1.     There was a discussion about Russ Tusing application and previous work history. A motion to hire Russ was made by Robin Isaacson, second by Jamie Wolf and passed voice vote

2.     Snowblower starter was replaced and working now.

3.     Tim O’Sheehan had talked with Scott from Newberry Township to help with street sweeping. They are willing to work with us. We need to follow up in April to schedule.



1.     Curtiss Tusing said they are still working on a plan to fix or replace the lock on the door.


Unfinished Business:

1.     Landlord Inspections- yearly letter needs printed and sent with trash bills. We need a updated list of property owners for 2023

2.     Computers/Copiers-Council member Mindy Yoder applied for a grant. We are still waiting to receive determination.

3.     Fire Company meeting- Joell Zortman will let us know of the next meeting may be.

4.     Camera-on hold to see how much of the ARPA funds we have left after borough building renovation.

5.     Community Room- resolved at last meeting

6.     Yearly letter- a motion was made by Jamie Wolf to approve the yearly letter after striking the secretary line, a second was made by Robin Isaacson and passed voice vote. Letters need printed and sent with trash bills.

7.     York County debris management- List of recommendations for disposal.


New Business:

1.     Sheila Eisele would like the borough to decide, should she contract out the printing of the per capita bills or can she do them herself? -Formax cost was $250 last year, hers would be $100. Tim O’Sheehan placed a call to Shelia confirm. A motion was made by Jamie Wolf to allow Sheila to print the per capita billing, it was second by Joell Zortman, and passed a voice vote.

2.     Richard Calhoon submitted a permit application for 9 abandoned vehicles. -He needs to be present for approval. Tabled until next meeting

3.     York County Hazard Mitigation Plan- updated notification and request for participation. -Unable to locate supporting documents. Evan will check into this.

4.     Resolution 2023-1 – Tabled until discussed with Pam Billet. Motion was made by Robin Isaacson and second by Tim O’Sheehan

5.     Laura Kaufman employment- She gave an overview of her qualifications and experience. She is available 2-3 nights a week and on meeting nights. Laura said she would be comfortable with an hourly rate of $15 per hour. A motion was made by Jamie Wolf to hire Laura, for $15/hr for part time sec/treas. Second was made by Robin Isaacson and passed a voice vote.

6.     New complaint form- Evan stated, these complaint forms, during an ongoing investigation are not subject to the right to know law. A motion to adopt this form was made by Robin Isaacson, second by Joell Zortman, and passed a voice vote.

7.     Who is available to help train Laura- Robin stated she has some flexibility; Jamie Wolf is available in evenings. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights work best for Laura.


Jamie Wolf prepared and read aloud an opinion letter to the council expressing concerns. - Brief discussion and opinions were shared.


A motion made by Tim O’Sheehan, second by Joell Zortman, meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.



     Submitted by:

Jamie Wolf

            Acting Assistant Secretary